
The Must See Film of the Year

No I'm not talking about 300. I'm talking about The Great Global Warming Swindle. A rather shocking expose of the shoddy science and sleazy politics behind the climate change hysteria.

It's an 1 hour 16 minutes and you need to see every second to see how big this is.

And it's all Margaret Thatcher's fault.


Remulak MoxArgon said...

The fact that you have 7 blogs dedicated to maintaining the issue of climate change means that you have no ulterior motive in trying to discredit anything the filmmakers and all but one of the scientists interviewed have to say on the subject.

Anonymous said...

What is the most interesting are the blogs/sites listed as an attempt to censor or punish the broadcast.

Also the first site has the name 'denier' in it trying to conjure up overtones of holocaust deniers.

All of this is design to suppress scientific dissent.

Attempting to scientifically rebut the documentary is fine and how good science works. Attempting to smear, punish, and ban is how fanatical psuedo-religions or cults work. The Global Warming community is what Scientology wishes they could be.