
What to do with Zarqawi's Head?

Hi puny Earthlings, it's your favourite cyborg Tektak F. Mechanoid, filling in while everyone else takes a little break.

Now in our last Roundtable we held a brief discussion over what to do with the head of rapist, racist, murderer, terrorist, and beloved idol of the Islamic world Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. We discussed mounting it on a pike, bronzing it for a presidential paperweight, and other ideas. And since I'm minding the store all alone, I want to know what you puny Earthlings think the Americans should do with Zarqawi's head.

The person with the best use for the head will win a great prize, he won't be sent to slave away in the mucus mines.

So leave your entries in our comment box.


Anonymous said...

Take the head, cast it into a bowling ball and give it to the president so he'll have something to show the guys at the alley.

"I pick up every 7-10 split with Zarqawi's head!"

Anonymous said...

End the cloning debate by using tissue samples to create multiple zarqawi's - one of which is to be beaten to death with padded boards by the children of soilider's every year on the anniversary of his killing.

Digital Fortress said...

I would find it's use as a stand-in soccer ball for the World Cup appropriate payback for the nineteen Iraqis murdered at the Haditha soccer stadium.

Create Zarqawi mannequins that spout his warped religious slogans and load them with explosives. Set them up in locations we suspect insurgents to lurk and once they happily gather around their resurrected "martyr"...turn about is fair play...

Anonymous said...

You have all seen those "Talking Big Mouth Billy Bass" Right? I think Bush should have something similar sent to Iran as a peace offering. As a bonus, it could sing "You dropped a bomb on me, baby."

Anonymous said...

Can we send Zarqawi's head to a taxidermist and have it mounted to a pig's body?

Digital Fortress said...

Here's a little somethingfor you alien deviants to enjoy.