

Greetings puny Earthlings. Your future Lord & Master here to lay the law and point out the week's douchebaggery in no particular odour....

1. Keith Olbermann: for picking on my future Terran Empress Mary Katherine Ham by calling her the Worst Person in the World. Well you're the worst douchebag in the world. But you did give me an excuse to post a pic of the lovely lass...
2. The Tabloid Media: for shamelessly profiting from the mental breakdown of a dim-woman-child like Britney Spears.

3. Adam Gadahn: not for anything special this week, just reminding him that he's a douchebag who will never woo a woman as hot as...

4. The City of Berkeley California: They love their free speech, but like all fascists, they only like their free speech, and the last thing they want is to have people willing to defend free speech in their nasty little hairy hippy armpit of a city. When I conquer your world I am going to rename the community the City of Douchebag.

5. Al Qaida: Managed to hit a new low of douchebaggery by using a mentally handicapped woman for a mass murder bombing. You're more than a douchebag, you're an Targellian skunk-wort's douchebag. (trust me, that's really bad)

That's all for now, so I leave you with this message...

And keep watching the skies, because we're watching you.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Mary has a Facebook page, you know. And I'm her friend.