

Greetings puny Earthlings, we haven't done this in a while, so it's time for another edition of ASK THE MOXARGON GROUP.

So if you have a question about politics, life, the universe, and everything that only the greatest minds ever known can answer, then drop one in the PLEAS section, and we'll answer them December 5th.

And remember to keep watching the skies, because we're watching you.


Anonymous said...

Could you move your invasion up to sometime before the end of January?

Anonymous said...

Debbie from the Land of Lincoln er Obama

What stuff should be renamed to honor the election or Barack Obama?

LGD said...

So where are the anti-Moslem riots, murders, assaults or even protests in exchange for these attacks in Mumbai?

Anonymous said...

Do you think Obama will win again in 2012? I ask this seriously, because I have seen this happen in other countries, where socialism has metastasized.

Thank you for noticing my words, O Great Ones, for I know I am but dust in your feet, er... (claws? tentacles? antigravitic fields?)

Anonymous said...

When the invasion finally comes what can an insignificant human like me do to avoid extermination and serve the great MoxArgon?

Libsareb Raindead said...

O Universal Overlordestness, after you mercilessly... er, mercifully invade us and take over our benighted planet, what place in the order of things would Former Senator Obama and other communists find themselves? Zoo exhibit? Lab specimens? Tri-cyclic fusion reactor scrubbers, junior-class? Or similar position where, yes, they can hope to make actual contributions to society for a change?

Anticipatingly yours,

Anonymous said...

Also, could you repost that picture of Billie Piper from a few months back? That would make this insignificant human's day